New Year Vision Board

The past two years, I have replaced writing resolutions with making a vision board. I didn’t know I was doing it at the time, but as the year ends, I look at my colorful board and see that these images were wishes for the new year. My vision board is essentially a collage of images torn from magazines and collected ephemera that speak to me about who I really want to be and what I really want my life to contain. The collage was displayed in my office all year, serving as a reminder and motivator. I can point to many of the pictured “wishes” that have come true. I thought I’d share my year in pictures with you.

1. I planted a pot of assorted succulents beside my back door. It has grown so much! Now, flower-shaped succulents in shades of green and yellow greet me every morning.

2. I am a former competitive swimmer who has lost her way. I often dream that I am swimming laps or racing, but have been out of the water for years. I wished to start swimming again. A friend who wanted help training for a triathlon enlisted my help, and I found myself in the pool with her once or twice a week while she conditioned for the event.

3. I have developed a meditation practice, something that has been an incomplete New Year’s resolution for almost a decade.

4. The Japanese calligraphy and the swirly pink writing are reiki symbols. This year has seen my reiki practice grow tremendously, years of study have blossomed into a professional healing practice. Read more about reiki at my website,


5. There is a picture above of a box of vegetables. One of the best surprises of the year was a CSA with South Central Farms that my neighbor ran. Every other Wednesday, she brought me a box of organic vegetables, which usually included a few greens that I had never before seen or cooked.

6. My mother-in-law watched our house while we were away this summer and began putting bird seed in two bird houses that were gifts this year. All of a sudden, I had a flock of birds living in the hedges of my yard. My cats and I enjoyed watching them eat and play in my garden, and my reiki clients heard them chirping during healing sessions.

7. I was hired to cook for a family, something I do from time to time, and their favorite dish was lasagna from scratch. I rolled out pasta once a week this autumn, just like the image above of beet ravioli. I also purchased this indispensable ravioli stamp from Sur la Table.

8. There is a Dyson vacuum pictured above. I wish for one. But this year my hate-hate relationship with my vacuum improved, and I am willing to keep it for another few years.

9. I spent a lot of time at the Fairfax Farmers Market, pictured here. On Sundays with my husband, buying produce, visiting the butcher and eating lunch. I also was invited for several Friday night gatherings with good friends. I heart the Farmers Market.

10. I wished for more sushi in my life, and it happened! I found a great neighborhood sushi restaurant run by a husband and wife, Haru, and had a handful of casual date nights.

11. The biggest surprise of the year is the washer and dryer. My parents moved out of their house into a furnished home in Mexico, and offered me their front-loading washer and dryer, just like the ones pictured! Amazing!

Be careful what you wish for! I am still waiting for the copper pots, Italian range, and surfing lessons.

8 Comments on “New Year Vision Board”

  1. For anyone interested in creating a Vision Board, my mom, Magi Myggen, leads Vision Board Workshops on a regular basis in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. She is a terrific guide to this intuitive process and will help you take a simple crafting experience into an empowering step toward fulfilling your goals, dreams and visions -whether they are clear to you or could use some clarifying! The beginning of a new year is a poignant time for this kind of creative exercise.

    Contact Magi Myggen at (805) 845-6070

    Click here to read her latest newsletter (new dates, not posted here, are already available!)

  2. That’s really amazing. In fact, our subconscious does not work with words, but with images. This is why writing a list of New Year’s resolutions often has little effect. I have started a whole book of collages, sticking in whatever images I was attracted to in magazines. I have put one of the pages of the book as my computer desktop image, which means that I am constantly seeing it during the day. It’s great to see that this worked to create positive things in your life!

  3. Great vision board, it’s very beautiful. I love how you talked about all the things that manifested for you. Probably the copper pots, Italian range and surfing lessons will follow soon.

  4. I love your vision board, it’s very beautiful. Thank you for sharing about all the things that manifested for you, that’s good to know. Probably the surf lessons, copper pots and Italian range will come soon.

  5. Pingback: Solstice Vision Board « Oranges and Avocados

  6. Pingback: Give a Little Love to My Vision Board | Oranges and Avocados

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